CRM Data Enrichment with Salesforce
Enrich Salesforce CRM data using CustomJS and dynamic forms.
[Read more]To send an Outbound Message in Salesforce when an Opportunity changes, have to use Outbound Messages and Flows. Here is a step-by-step guide using a Flow:
Nowadays you have to use the Flow Builder to trigger outgoing messages:
Salesforce sends the data in the webhook as SOAP XML type. We use the NodeJS plugin xml-js to transform it into a JSON object. It will look like this:
"_declaration": {
"_attributes": {
"version": "1.0",
"encoding": "UTF-8"
"soapenv:Envelope": {
"_attributes": {
"xmlns:soapenv": "",
"xmlns:xsd": "",
"xmlns:xsi": ""
"soapenv:Body": {
"notifications": {
"_attributes": {
"xmlns": ""
"OrganizationId": {
"_text": "00Dd20000013WE5EAM"
"ActionId": {
"_text": "04kd20000000DoTAAU"
"SessionId": {
"_attributes": {
"xsi:nil": "true"
"EnterpriseUrl": {
"_text": ""
"PartnerUrl": {
"_text": ""
"Notification": {
"Id": {
"_text": "04ld200000000HlAAI"
"sObject": {
"_attributes": {
"xsi:type": "sf:Opportunity",
"xmlns:sf": ""
"sf:Id": {
"_text": "006d2000000ftCLAAY"
"sf:Amount": {
"_text": "40000.0"
"sf:CloseDate": {
"_text": "2024-06-30"
"sf:CreatedById": {
"_text": "005d2000000g0d9AAA"
"sf:CreatedDate": {
"_text": "2024-06-27T11:29:16.000Z"
"sf:ExpectedRevenue": {
"_text": "12000.0"
"sf:FiscalQuarter": {
"_text": "2"
"sf:FiscalYear": {
"_text": "2024"
"sf:ForecastCategory": {
"_text": "Pipeline"
"sf:ForecastCategoryName": {
"_text": "Pipeline"
"sf:HasOpenActivity": {
"_text": "false"
"sf:HasOpportunityLineItem": {
"_text": "false"
"sf:HasOverdueTask": {
"_text": "false"
"sf:IsClosed": {
"_text": "false"
"sf:IsDeleted": {
"_text": "false"
"sf:IsPrivate": {
"_text": "false"
"sf:IsWon": {
"_text": "false"
"sf:LastAmountChangedHistoryId": {
"_text": "008d2000000pjlhAAA"
"sf:LastModifiedById": {
"_text": "005d2000000g0d9AAA"
"sf:LastModifiedDate": {
"_text": "2024-06-28T21:16:06.000Z"
"sf:LastReferencedDate": {
"_text": "2024-06-28T21:16:06.000Z"
"sf:LastViewedDate": {
"_text": "2024-06-28T21:16:06.000Z"
"sf:Name": {
"_text": "Tes Opp3"
"sf:NextStep": {
"_text": "NewValue7"
"sf:OpportunityId__c": {
"_text": "006d2000000ftCL"
"sf:OwnerId": {
"_text": "005d2000000g0d9AAA"
"sf:Probability": {
"_text": "30.0"
"sf:PushCount": {
"_text": "0"
"sf:StageName": {
"_text": "Needs Analysis"
"sf:SystemModstamp": {
"_text": "2024-06-28T21:16:06.000Z"
"sf:Type": {
"_text": "Existing Customer - Replacement"
function getField(input, fieldName){
try {
return input["soapenv:Envelope"]["soapenv:Body"].notifications.Notification.sObject[`sf:${fieldName}`]._text;
} catch(e) {
throw new Error('Field not found');
return `<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<notificationsResponse xmlns="">
Enrich Salesforce CRM data using CustomJS and dynamic forms.
[Read more]Learn how to automate emails using CustomJS with Salesforce integration.
[Read more]Learn how to automate invoices using CustomJS with Salesforce integration.
[Read more]