
Execute JavaScript in your Make Scenario

Run JavaScript directly in Make, or store it on CustomJS for better management. With support for dynamic parameters and seamless integration, coding within your workflows has never been easier.

Get started with access to several popular NPM modules, enhancing your coding possibilities.

Make Extension
Make Extension

Getting Started with CustomJS in Make

  1. -  Register and Obtain Your API Key
    Sign In and copy your API key from the dashboard.
    CustomJS V2 API Key
    CustomJS V2 API Key
  2. -  Select a CustomJS Action in Make
    Choose Execute inline JavaScript Code CustomJS V2 action to execute your code.
    CustomJS Make Actions
    CustomJS Make Actions
  3. -  Create a Connection with Your API Key
    Use the API key you copied earlier to set up the connection in Make.
    CustomJS Make Connection
    CustomJS Make Connection

Writing JavaScript in Make

Executing JavaScript in Make is simple but requires attention to detail. Here are some tips:

1. Accessing Input Variables

Inputs passed to your script are accessible as an input object. If you're passing multiple variables, it’s recommended to structure them as a JSON object for clarity and ease of use.
CustomJS Input Image
CustomJS Input Image

2. Use a return Statement

Your JS code must include a `return`, statement to output data back to the workflow. Without it, the code will not function as expected.
CustomJS Code Image
CustomJS Code Image

3. Set the Return Response Type

Ensure your return values have the correct type, such as a text, object, binary, or array, depending on your needs.

4. Working with Make Collections

If you're passing a Make collection as input, use the Transform to JSON module to convert it before using it in your JS code.

CustomJS Make Inline JS
CustomJS Make Inline JS

5. Simplifying with Stored Functions

For more complex logic, consider storing your JavaScript code on the CustomJS platform. This allows for dynamic input variables and makes testing easier. The stored function can then be accessed via Make with just a few clicks. The video below demonstrates how to select the Execute a stored function action in Make:

For a deeper dive into common mistakes and troubleshooting tips, visit our troubleshooting guide.

Additional Modules Available

In addition to executing JavaScript, CustomJS offers these powerful modules that work seamlessly within Make:

  • -  Create PDF: Generate a PDF document directly from your workflow data.
  • -  Merge PDFs: Combine multiple PDF documents into one.

Each of these modules uses the same API key for easy setup and integration.

Further information

Firebase Admin SDK

Master the integration of Firebase Admin SDK with custom JavaScript in your workflows for enhanced PDF generation.

[Read more]

OpenAI Examples

Discover how to incorporate OpenAI's capabilities with's custom JavaScript tools for dynamic PDF creation.

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UUID Example

Explore unique UUID handling examples with custom JavaScript integration for PDF processing on

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Web Scraping Examples

Discover how to effortlessly create web scrapers with the integration of cheerio and axios libraries in Integromat/Make. No additional services needed for your scraping needs.

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